Choosing house paint practically tricky. Please note paint that has high prices does not necessarily have good quality. Therefore, do not get stuck with high prices before you know the basics in order to determine the quality of paint. Some characteristics that have a good quality paint is to have a uniform dispersive power, has good power lid and durable and resistant to rubbing, resistant to high temperatures, and easily cleaned of stains.
However, the above characteristic is not enough. There are still some more things you should know in choosing paint. Because the paint is not just the main material in beautifying the home with color, but also must be safe for your health and our environment. There are three things you should consider when choosing paint.
- If you have the opportunity to come into the store building and have enough time to compare some paint products, read the description or the paint usage rules include technical data on each package. Not all cat companies include technical data product on its packaging, only paints produced by companies which are open or trusted transparent and are willing to include them. Quality products usually include all the product descriptions are complete.
- If you can determine what type of paint, brand and color of paint to be used, next is to determine how much paint is needed for a room. On every package of good paint is always listed, dispersive power for each unit of paint on a field. It means every kg / liter, the paint will produce a surface of a given field. If you already know how broad areas to be painted, then you can calculate dispersive power needs paint based on technical data listed on the product packaging. Cat good quality, have a solid color pigment particles of paint so that all can spread and cover the entire surface to be painted. Thus the use of paint to be saving more quickly because the paint will soak into the surface. If the paint does not soak into the surface, then you must repeat the paint and need extra cans of paint for wall or surface can be evenly covered with paint.
- Do not forget to choose the brand of paint that is environmentally friendly. Currently, a lot of paint sold in the market does not pay attention to the environmental feasibility. The paint is still using mercury (Hg) and lead / lead (Pb) as one of the key element. In fact, the two ingredients that can potentially spread the vapor / gas are quite dangerous when inhaled regularly kept by a man who lives nearby. Worse, the paint on the walls peeling and flaking paint was intentionally eaten by children. Lead (Pb), is one metal that can cause brain damage in humans, especially young children. Lead poisoning due to take place slowly, over several weeks or several months. The first symptoms usually appear are the child would cry constantly because of his fever, followed by digestive disorders and fatigue. Often the symptoms are accompanied by spasms throughout the body and can cause death. Although the child ultimately is recovered, most likely brain damage will remain and can interfere with growth. For that you must begin to anticipate the brain damage in children from an early age. It can begin by selecting and using a paint that is free of mercury and tin as if it's too late, then the child will have difficulty in learning and behavior disorders. Cat without mercury and without tin, are now available and sold in the market by using a green circle symbol on the packaging. Manufacturers of environmentally friendly paint that does not just pay attention to product quality, but the working environment in the paint manufacturing plant also noted. If the mercury (Hg) and lead / lead (Pb) remain in use, the paint factory employees' health can also be disrupted.