Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Home Sweet Home Design Tips

Here are a few tips before you design a home sweet home:
  1. Make our home memorable "live", natural, namely air traffic passable sound and smooth air circulation by creating a home ventilation holes, which form the design we adjust to our taste, want minimalist style, classical, Mediterranean, natural and so on, depending on ours alone. 
  2. The existence of the reflected sunlight to illuminate our homes with the windows opaque windows of the house, if necessary with certain door a transparent, meaningful can use glass materials, polycarbonate, glass block and others. With this concept we can save the use of lights and our electric energy at home. Also can provide its own health for the residents if the house in question passed by the morning sun. 
  3. Make a simple house design that beautifully suits your needs and volume of activity and the capacity of member of our family members. Make room design house broad especially for the living room, avoid room space is limited by partial or too many walls, especially between the living room and the living room wall if any can be applied wall 'mobile' (can be moved to move), who knows someday we need a more spacious room capacity by moving the mobile wall so that a combination living room and family room and it became widely used for this kind of event class party, barbeque, teaching, and others. 
  4. Make your home exterior design outside the naturalist, with provide some small land to be the "lungs" of our neighborhood parks home parks, although small can be used for refreshing the eyes and the air traffic into or out of the room of the house. So help environmental health programs that are natural and fresh home. 
  5. If the land is narrow, but there are no funds plus, to the home level, can be a kind of garden design above (sky-garden) to be used as a gathering place for families in the afternoon or evening, kongkow while drinking coffee, or "alternative place" to talk with family members others, as he sees 'view' (landscape), which is more spacious than the floor 2 or floor above. The existence of this park has a plus on its own for the design of your home. 
  6. Design a home space that can provide added value to the lives and lifestyles of the owner. For those who like to read, should be provided a kind of 'miniature library' (personal library), at his home, also for those who want to open a home office or a workaholic (entrepreneurship spirited, likes to work overtime at home, creative professionals, and so forth) can be made a separate work space at home, this can provide added value (plus) separately for the owner. 
  7. Sports facilities and did not miss recreation can be added or made available to support the activities plus others, such as swimming with a swimming pool, or in the form of miniature whirlpool can use the pool (swimming bath with a capacity of 4-6 org with additional features massage-massage-style blast of water from the user's machine to his waist.) 
  8. However many other home features can be added to the design of our house, until you feel able to accommodate a lot of things even with limited land, if designed carefully, will produce a design house that can accommodate various interests and dreams that may previously not thought or planned.