There are several ways to calculate the trend growth in property prices in an area / region. We recommend that you compute the growth was optimal at least 3 years to 5 years to minimize the "confusion".
1. Government Version
The government, in this case the Director General of Taxation which is one of the agency under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, constantly monitors developments in property prices in a particular area where the task was carried out by the Tax Office Primary for the City or district level in Indonesia. Tax Office Primary always collect data property sale and purchase transactions collected from:
1. notary
2. district
3. professional real estate broker
2. district
3. professional real estate broker
4. bank
5. tax officers own observations in the field to make adjustments to the value when there is considered odd.
5. tax officers own observations in the field to make adjustments to the value when there is considered odd.
Growth trends conducted by the Office of Tax can be seen in the United Nations during the year, where we can do comparisons of the current year against previous years and will see the trend of increasing value. Usually goes up just SVTO earth (ground) only remains of buildings and the value NJOP (when appropriate from year to year drop since the affected buildings SVTO depreciation because depreciation per year right)
> Data is complete in all regions throughout Indonesia
> Value is accurate and definite, easy to estimate the actual price
> NJOP is usually used for the calculation of individual income tax
> Bias, showing no actual purchase price
> Value is usually below the real market price at that time
> Value is not taken into account depreciation of buildings
2. Real Estate Developer Version
Real Estate Developer that he had a complex environment, so that the right to determine the selling price of property units and their unit price increases. To know the trend of rising prices in a real estate particularly in the new unit (Primary Market) can be seen by comparing:
1. units of property (houses, apartments, towers, shops, kiosks etc.) dengaan the same type.
2. in the same cluster.
3. with the same type.
2. in the same cluster.
3. with the same type.
From there will see the trend of increasing prices, which are usually real estate developer will perform the following steps:
1. calculation of unit costing once-per-unit properties for sale
2. estimate how long marketing can sell
3. calculate Future Value of Present Value of his unit costing
4. provide progressive discount, the earlier the greater the discount
5. gradually increase the selling price according to the progress of sales
> Shows the actual transaction price
> Dynamic pricing, market prices adjust rapidly
> Real data obtained directly in the field
> Can cause "inflation" in NJOP
> Data hard to come by for outsiders
> Bias (too), usually deliberately not the same as that based on actual transaction prices SVTO
3. Version Property Investors
2. estimate how long marketing can sell
3. calculate Future Value of Present Value of his unit costing
4. provide progressive discount, the earlier the greater the discount
5. gradually increase the selling price according to the progress of sales
> Shows the actual transaction price
> Dynamic pricing, market prices adjust rapidly
> Real data obtained directly in the field
> Can cause "inflation" in NJOP
> Data hard to come by for outsiders
> Bias (too), usually deliberately not the same as that based on actual transaction prices SVTO
3. Version Property Investors
True property investors only see from one side only value "What will he buy the property was sold below market price and could be sold at a premium price to get a capital gain or leased in order to obtain positive cash flow in routine"
> Surely profit
> Does not exist!